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Agate is a type of chalcedony quartz that took its name from the River Aghates near Sicily – it is now called River Drillo. As an aid to emotional healing, it is said to help discern the truth, as well as accept circumstances. Because agate was believed to help protect against high fevers, it was placed in drinking water to banish illness.

Agate was also thought to be instrumental in relieving arthritis, headaches and thirst. In addition to being worn as an amulet, agate was used for decorative jewelry and small objects. During the classical Greek and Roman era, agate was widely used for cameos and intaglios. These were frequently worn upside down for the wearer’s enjoyment. Bowls carved of agate were common throughout the Byzantine Empire, and Mithradates had amassed a collection of several thousand.
During the Renaissance in Europe, collecting agate bowls surged in popularity again as did its use in jewelry and furniture inlay. Not only does agate come in a wide variety of colors, but also a plethora of fascinating effects. Eye agate actually looks like an eye, and plume agate displays a feathery pattern. Because of layers that form when agate is created, some colors and textures are structured into bands of color while others seem to create “scenes” (nature’s Rorschach test). There are also the delicate-patterned lace agates. Agate is good for grounding and balance. It fosters abundance, wealth, love and connection with the natural world. It is also used for protection. Moss agate attracts abundance and aids in building self-confidence and strength. Lace agate helps to clear the mind. Color(s) - A wide range and usually multi-colored, black-banded, blue-lace, crazy-lace, moss, tree and white. Associations - General: Gemini; solar plexus chakra; Earth, Mercury; yin/yang Moss agate: Virgo; heart chakra; yin Lace agate: Pisces; throat and third eye chakras; yin Uses - balance/connection to the natural world; wealth; love; protection/combat illness